7 Under Stairs Storage Ideas -Bedrooms, Living Rooms & More
I love the idea of using your under stair space to create extra space for shelving and storage in your home. It’s like magic! Suddenly, you’ve been given a gift – more space!
Source: Apartment Therapy
You need to be creative to come up with shelving and storage ideas that really work and still look stylish. One often neglected area is under your stairs. And it’s a huge area that often equates to another room. You could use it for storing bikes, shoes or wine. But often these can look a little junky, temporary and messy.
That’s why this under stairs storage is so cool… but what if you could do more than just use it for storage?
7 Bedroom Under Stairs Storage Ideas
Source: Apartment Therapy
Think about it, under stairs storage can be amazing for displaying your art, creating a child’s playroom, wall shelves, a book case, an office, bedroom, pantry storage or walk way. But what about a panic room or somewhere to keep your papers, safe or even a kitchen or bathroom?
Source : Pinterest
What about a fireplace or built in television? This could solve so many other issues for you – like security, privacy or a growing family.
Source: pinterest
Creating new spaces and trading space for smarter rooms, probably means spending more time and effort in the design stage but would give you better use of your under stair space.
Source: Apartment Therapy
If you can create an under stairs storage area – celebrate it! Don’t waste it! What would you do with your under stairs storage?
Would you keep it as a reading nook or create a panic room? If it transformed under your stairs, where you read or take a bath, I want to hear about it!
Source: Better Homes and Gardens via Pinterest
Got any under stair storage ideas you want to share? Just leave a comment below and we’ll get back to you.
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